In a futuristic Tokyo, unique human beings who have awakened distinct super powers are being hunted by a secret organisation named Custos. Known as Attractors, these exceptional humans are joining forces to defend themselves. They are led by a boy named Quon, an idealist who is determined to save all Attractors…Note: A six-part theatrical anime film series — late director Iida Umanosuke`s last anime project.
- Other Title: Towa no Quon 1: Utakata no Kaben, トワノクオン 第1章 泡沫の花弁, Towanoquon: The Ephemeral Petals, トワノクオン, Towanoquon: Eternal Quon, Towa no Quon 6: Towa no Quon
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: Movie
- Genres: Action, Sci-Fi, Super Power, Supernatural, Mecha, Shounen
- Characters: Mitsuchi, Quon
- Score: 7.29
- Rank: 2696
- Popularity: 2363