The story is set in the future on the planet named Amoi which is controlled by a supercomputer named Jupiter. Among the mostly male human population, the light-haired elite class is allowed to temporarily keep the dark-haired “mongrels” as pets. One elite member, Iason, encounters a mongrel named Riki in the slums and decides to take him in. However, Iason keeps Riki longer than it is socially approved, and rumors abound about their possible relationship.
- Other Title: Ai no Kusabi (2012), 間の楔, aikusabi
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Dub
- Anime Type: OVA
- Genres: Boys Love, Drama, Erotica, Sci-Fi, Josei, Romance, Shounen Ai, Space, Yaoi, Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Bondage, Based On Novel Or Book, Dystopia, Pet, Exploitation, Futuristic, Remake, Male Homosexuality, Racism, Slave, Bdsm, Lgbt, Caste System, Angst, Anime, Bishounen, Time Skip, Erotic, Ova
- Characters: Mink, Iason, Riki
- Score: 6.57
- Popularity: 3571