The mini-saga follows Satoshi venturing into an archipelago of islands called the Decolora Islands with Iris and Dent.
- Other Title: Pokemon Best Wishes! Season 2: Decolora Adventure – Dent to Takeshi! Gyarados no Gekirin!!, Pocket Monsters: Best Wishes Season 2 Special, Dent and Takeshi! Gyarados’s Outrage!!, デントとタケシ!ギャラドスのげきりん!!
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: Special
- Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids, Shounen, Action, Game
- Characters: Dent, Gyarados, Takeshi
- Score: 6.61
- Rank: 5991
- Popularity: 6455