A high school student named Yachi Haruaki receives a mysterious, super-heavy black cube from his father overseas. That night, Haruaki wakes up to a suspicious noise in the kitchen, and he discovers a fully naked female thief of rice crackers. The girl, Fear, is the first of several surprises that Haruaki receives.
- Other Title: C³, C3, C Cube, C^3, シーキューブ, C³ – CubexCursedxCurious, cxcxc
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: TV
- Genres: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, School, Shounen, Supernatural, Animation, Action & Adventure, Based On Novel Or Book, Battle, Anime
- Characters: Muramasa, Konoha, Ueno, Kirika, Yachi, Haruaki, Kubrick, Fear
- Score: 6.59
- Rank: 6102
- Popularity: 1261