* Based on the manga by Kitagawa Shou, serialised for 15 volumes in Young Jump starting 1990.Swimming in the ocean freediver Hayama Ushio and an old friend named Sara enjoy the splendours of the deep sea, when Sara bumps into a whale losing her breathing mask. Luckily Ushio can breathe under water, and has the power to control it to some degree, thus saving his careless female friend. In doing so, he notices another girl, swimming freely in these watery depths. Could she have the same special abilities he has? By accident Ushio meets the mysterious Ayuuru again, on land, and she knows of the fabled Blue Butterfly Fish he has been looking for.— written by foo2
- Other Title: B.B. Fish, Blue Butterfly Fish, B.B. フィッシュ, B.B.[ブルーバタフライ]フィッシュ, B. B. Fish
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: OVA
- Genres: Drama, Romance, Seinen, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Sports, Super Power, Animation
- Characters: Hayama, Ushio, Kannazuki, Sara
- Score: 4.5
- Rank: 13386
- Popularity: 9808