* Based on the gag comedy manga by Arai Keiichi, serialised in Shounen Ace.In Class 1-Q, Yuuko did her homework for once and scored a "1", so her friend Mio desperately tries to cheer her up."Wind-up doll" Nano tries to cure the strong-willed 8-year-old Hakase`s cold, but even the talking cat Sakamoto-san has difficulty getting Hakase to take her medicine.Yuuko, Mio, and Mai get into some mild mischief on an empty train.— written by foo2Note: Originally bundled with the limited edition of the sixth manga volume. Re-released later as a part of the parent series` Blu-ray box.
- Other Title: Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa, Nichijou Episode 0, Nichijou OVA, Everyday, 日常の0話, My Ordinary Life Episode 0
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Dub
- Anime Type: OVA
- Genres: Comedy, School, Shounen, Slice of Life, Gag Humor, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Slice Of Life
- Characters: Aioi, Yuuko, Minakami, Mai, Naganohara, Mio, Sakamoto, Shinonome, Nano, Shinonome, Hakase
- Score: 7.4
- Rank: 2098
- Popularity: 2147