In near-future Japan, Aya Okamura lives alone in an apartment away from her parents. Her mother has worked overseas ever since her childhood, so her aging father Kouji and their cat Mii-san are the only ones left in their family home. After a tiring day, Aya declines her father’s invitation for dinner by lying that she is still at work. Yet that very night, she receives another call with sudden news that may bring this separated family closer.
- Other Title: Dareka no Manazashi, だれかのまなざし, Someone’s Gaze
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: Movie
- Genres: Drama, Slice of Life, Slice Of Life, Animation, Science Fiction
- Characters: Okamura, Kouji, Okamura, Aya
- Score: 7.33
- Rank: 2416
- Popularity: 2394