In the final months of World War II, 14-year-old Seita and his sister Setsuko are orphaned when their mother is killed during an air raid in Kobe, Japan. After a falling out with their aunt, they move into an abandoned bomb shelter. With no surviving relatives and their emergency rations depleted, Seita and Setsuko struggle to survive.
- Other Title: Hotaru no Haka, Tombstone for Fireflies, 火垂るの墓, Grave of the Fireflies, Die letzten Glühwürmchen, La Tumba de las Luciérnagas, Le Tombeau des Lucioles
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: Movie
- Genres: Drama, Historical, Action, Animation, War
- Characters: Seita, Setsuko
- Score: 8.51
- Rank: 121
- Popularity: 336