Three years after the Hiroshima bombing, Gen and his adopted brother, Ryuta, befriend a group of orphans. A fierce typhoon hits the city, leaving the orphans` home flooded and beyond repair. Gen helps them build a new home on an abandoned piece of property, and brings love and encouragement to one of the children whose face has been badly scarred by radiation. Gen`s mother, though, has only four more months to live…
- Other Title: Hadashi no Gen 2, はだしのゲン 2, Barefoot Gen 2, Barfuß durch Hiroshima: Film 2, Gen d’Hiroshima: Film 2
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: Movie
- Genres: Drama, Historical, Shounen, Comedy, Horror, Animation, War
- Characters: Kondou, Ryuuta, Nakaoka, Kimie, Nakaoka, Gen
- Score: 7.34
- Rank: 2355
- Popularity: 5457