* Based on Mikumo Gakuto`s light novel series with illustrations by Manyako.The high school student Akatsuki Kojou is deemed to be a powerful vampire, the Fourth Progenitor. And Himeragi Yukina, a teenage Sword Shaman apprentice, is therefore tasked to watch over his powers.The Kingdom of Aldegyr and Lost Warlord`s Dominion are about to attend peace negotiations in Itogami City, a man-made island off the coast of Japan. And just when Kojou thinks this has nothing to do with him, princess La Folia Rihavein of Aldegyr appears. At a party that evening the royal family is attacked by unknown assailants. Kojou and Yukina quickly deal with the threat, but a mysterious woman puts a spell on Kojou, and then the princess is kidnapped…— written by foo2
- Other Title: Strike the Blood: Valkyria no Oukoku-hen, Strike the Blood OVA, ストライク・ザ・ブラッド ヴァルキュリアの王国篇, Strike the Blood: Kingdom of the Valkyria, Strike The Blood – OVA, stb ova
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: OVA
- Genres: Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, School, Shounen, Supernatural, Vampire, Comedy, Harem, Magic, Mecha, Romance, Sci-Fi, Super Power
- Characters: Himeragi, Yukina, Rihavein, La Folia, Akatsuki, Kojou
- Score: 7.24
- Rank: 2854
- Popularity: 2004