The orphan Mizumura Shinta attends a missionary school in Tokyo. His seemingly normal life changes when a beautiful half-Romanian girl named Kishimoto Lilith suddenly transfers to his school. For this timid boy is actually a vampire hunter and the successor of the Romyuarudo lineage.
- Other Title: Holy Knight, Holy Knight (ホーリーナイト)
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Dub
- Anime Type: OVA
- Genres: Ecchi, Fantasy, School, Seinen, Supernatural, Vampire, Action & Adventure, Drama, Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Romance, Anime
- Characters: Kishimoto, Lilith, Mizumura, Shinta
- Score: 5.94
- Rank: 9780
- Popularity: 3141