Don’t miss the latest episode of Gokushufudou EP 1, now streaming live and exclusively on This Anime series belongs to the Organized Crime, Yakuza, Anime genre and is part of the popular Gokushufudou series. You’re watching it in stunning 8k quality, and the episode is currently in Ongoing status. Thanks for your support, and please share if you think it’s amazing!
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: ONA
- Genres: Comedy Anime, Romance Anime, Slice of Life Anime, Adult Cast Anime, Gag Humor Anime, Organized Crime Anime, Slice Of Life Anime, Animation Anime, Yakuza Anime, Mafia Anime, Based On Manga Anime, Seinen Anime, Housework Anime, Anime, Gastronomy Anime
Complete Series: Gokushufudou