- Last Episode: Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 11 Latest Publication
- First Episode: Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 1 – 8k
The second series, The Second Guest is similarly set with 25 stories, except this time the main victim is a woman who has just taken a taxi home from her best friend`s wedding ceremony.These ARE the episode titles of this series. However, their order has NOT been confirmed to be the same on the DVD and during the TV airing. Because of this these titles should NOT be added to the episodes without further proof.第一夜 ハニワサラリーマン HANIWA SALARY MAN第二夜 グレゴリー GREGORY第三夜 地獄のシェフ HELL`S CHEF第四夜 キャサリン CATHERINE第五夜 ジェームス JAMES第六夜 ロストドール LOST DOLL第七夜 クロックマスター&マイサン CLOCK MASTER&MY SON第八夜 スリーピーシープ SLEEPY SHEEP第九夜 ボンサイカブキ BONSAI KABUKI第十夜 カクタスガンマン CACTUS GANMAN第十一夜 カクタスガール CACTUS GIRL第十二夜 ジャッジメントボーイゴールド JUDGEMENT BOY GOLD第十三夜 グレゴリーママ GREGORY MAMA第十四夜 トラップマウス TRAP MOUSE第十五夜 地獄のタクシー HELL`S TAXI第十六夜 プアコンダクター POOR CONDUCTOR第十七夜 ウンババ UNBABA第十八夜 グレゴリーママ GREGORY MAMA第十九夜 グレゴリー GREGORY第二十夜 死神 DEATH第二十一夜 一つ目魔術師 MONO EYE WIZARD第二十二夜 テレビフィッシュ TV-FISH第二十三夜 ネコゾンビ NEKO ZOMBIE第二十四夜 ネコゾンビ NEKOZOMBIE第二十五夜 グレゴリー GREGORY
- Other Title: Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest, グレゴリーホラーショー – The Second Guest
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Dub
- Anime Type: TV
- Genres: Comedy, Demons, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Mythology
- Characters: Gregory, Judgement Boy, Neko Zombie
- Score: 6.57
- Rank: 6250
- Popularity: 10696
Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) episodes list
Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 11
Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 10
Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 9
Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 8
Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 7
Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 6
Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 5
Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 4
Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 3
Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 2
Gregory Horror Show: The Second Guest (Dub) EP 1