The story follows Arcana Famiglia, a self-appointed organization with mysterious powers that has protected a small Mediterranean island from pirates, foreign countries, and other threats. The only daughter of the family`s Papa, Felicita, will be married to the next head of the family in two months — and the successor will be decided in a competition that Felicita herself will take part in.Note: The first episode received an early preview screening as part of an event limited to 150 attendees at Cinemart Roppongi theatre on June 29, 2012. Regular TV broadcast started on July 1, 2012.
- Other Title: Arcana Famiglia: Capriccio – stile Arcana Famiglia, La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia, アルカナ・ファミリア Capriccio – stile Arcana Famiglia 奇想曲~アルカナ・ファミリア風, Arcana Famiglia: La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia, La storia della Arcana Famiglia, famiglia, The Story of the Arcana Family, アルカナ・ファミリア La storia della Arcana Famiglia
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: OVA
- Genres: Romance, Shoujo, Action, Fantasy, Harem, Supernatural, Animation, Action & Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Swordplay, Tarot Cards, Tragedy, Mafia, Gunfight, Tournament, Super Power, Anime, Bishounen, Based On Visual Novel, Reverse Harem
- Characters: Dante, Debito, Jolly, Libertà, Luca, Nova, Pace
- Score: 6.76
- Rank: 5192
- Popularity: 4300