At Shirahamazaka High School, a special recital is held every year in which music students are able to showcase their talents in front of professionals and prestigious guests. A student, Konatsu Miyamoto desperately wants to sing in her last year of high school.
- Other Title: Tari Tari: Kumottari, Kagayaitari, Mata Itsuka Utattari, Tari Tari Special, Tari Tari: Being Cloudy, Shining, Singing Again Someday, タリ タリ 「曇ったり 輝いたり またいつか歌ったり」, Tari Tari, Tari x2, tari^2
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: Special
- Genres: Music, School, Slice of Life, Comedy, Slice Of Life, Sports, Animation, Drama, School Life, Anime
- Characters: Maeda, Atsuhiro, Miyamoto, Konatsu, Okita, Sawa, Sakai, Wakana, Tanaka, Taichi
- Score: 6.79
- Rank: 5028
- Popularity: 6219