* Based on a shoujo manga by Yabuuchi Yuu, serialised in Ciao.Tachibana Tsubomi, a fifth grader, deals with issues such as her mother`s pregnancy, her first period and the strange feelings she has when she is around boys.Note: Based on a popular manga series, this has been described as being a "sex education story" for young teenage girls. Its true-to-life and even tempered approach to issues of young adulthood and budding sexuality have not only garnered the attention and respect of the Japanese manga community, but with parents as well.
- Other Title: Naisho no Tsubomi, Tsubomi’s Secrets, ないしょのつぼみ
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: OVA
- Genres: Kids, School, Shoujo, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Romance, Comedy, Ecchi, Sci-Fi, Slice Of Life, Animation
- Characters: Endo, Saya, Nemoto, Daiki, Tachibana, Tsubomi
- Score: 6.51
- Rank: 6616
- Popularity: 6498