An old man named Jiya brings a new recruit, a modest penguin named Manmaru, to join in on a 300-year battle between the three Ninja clans living in the mountains he owns. But the others, the cowardly Tsuenjiro (fox) and quick-tempered Tanutaro (racoon), are disappointed when they learn the newest trainee is nothing other than a polite, if not flaky penguin. And not just any penguin, but a penguin with dreams to become a professional soccer player!Will Manmaru be the one that helps bring an end to the 300-year battle?
- Other Title: Ninpen Manmaru, Manmaru the Ninja Penguin, 忍ペンまん丸
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: TV
- Genres: Comedy, Samurai, Shounen, Anthropomorphic, Animation, Martial Arts, Penguin, Ninja
- Characters: Manmaru
- Rank: 14958
- Popularity: 14676