The story is a comedy about Lucius, an architect of public bath houses in ancient Rome, who time-travels to various modern-day baths in Japan. The author explores the two cultures in the world “that have loved baths the most: the Japanese and the Romans.”
- Other Title: Thermae Romae Specials, Thermæ Romæ Specials, テルマエ・ロマエ, Thermae Romae, Thermæ Romæ
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: Special
- Genres: Comedy, Historical, Seinen, Time Travel, Animation, Japan, Ancient Rome, Based On Manga, Bathhouse, Short Stories
- Characters: Modestus, Lucius
- Score: 6.78
- Rank: 5104
- Popularity: 8568