The story revolves around a romantic triangle formed by the girl Minatsu Nakazato, a young student and softball player; Shu Akiba, a schoolmate; and Naoto Kadomatsu, an up-and-coming boxer. In reality the three-way relationship is more like three-and-a-half, considering that Naoto is in love with Maria… actually Minatsu herself, who`d once disguised herself to escape some evildoers.
- Other Title: Slow Step, スローステップ
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: OVA
- Genres: Romance, School, Shoujo, Slice of Life, Sports, Comedy, Slice Of Life, Animation, Drama, Sports Comedy
- Characters: Akiba, Shuu, Kadomatsu, Naoto, Nakazato, Minatsu
- Score: 6.46
- Rank: 6904
- Popularity: 9115