The hour long Asylum Session film is set in a distant future in which society has stagnated. The runaway teen girl Hiyoko, to be voiced by Aya Hirano (Haruhi Suzumiya, Konata in Lucky Star), takes up residence in a tent city nicknamed “Asylum” and becomes involved with the other young residents that launch a street culture festival called “The Asylum Sessions” to counter the plans of profiteer-minded police.
- Other Title: Asylum Session, アジール・セッション, The Asylum Session
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: Movie
- Genres: Sci-Fi, Seinen, Action, Music, Animation
- Characters: Akira, Chunko, Hiyoko, Jin, Kobayashi, Kurata, Mizusaki, Myonhi, Osamu, Sheena, Takayama, Teshigawara
- Score: 4.91
- Rank: 13013
- Popularity: 8376