* Based on the Osomatsu-kun gag manga series by Akatsuka Fujio.The series features the six naughty and mischievous sextuplet sons of the Matsuno household with Osomatsu as the oldest brother and the leader of the group. They were grade-schoolers back in the Shouwa period (1926–1989), but despite still living in the same old household, the street view as well as the lifestyle of modern-day society have changed drastically.
- Other Title: Osomatsu-san Special, Osomatsu-san Episode 3.5, Mr. Osomatsu Special, おそ松さん, Mr. Osomatsu Episode 3.5: Virgin Heroes, Mr. Osomatsu, Osomatsu s1
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: Special
- Genres: Comedy, Parody, Gag Humor, Animation, Based On Manga, Anime
- Characters: Matsuno, Juushimatsu, Matsuno, Todomatsu, Matsuno, Ichimatsu, Matsuno, Choromatsu, Matsuno, Karamatsu, Matsuno, Osomatsu
- Score: 7.39
- Rank: 2131
- Popularity: 5580