* Based on a shounen manga by Shiina Takashi, serialised in Shounen Sunday. The children enter a junior high school. One day, they receive an emergency contact that B.A.B.E.L. (Base of Backing ESP Laboratory) is attacked.
- Other Title: Zettai Karen Children OVA: Aitazousei! Ubawareta Mirai?, Absolutely Lovely Children, Zettai Karen Children OAD, ZKC OVA, 絶対可憐チルドレン OVA 〜愛多憎生! 奪われた未来?〜
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: OVA
- Genres: Action, Comedy, Shounen, Supernatural, Fantasy, Super Power, Animation
- Characters: Kumoi, Yuuri, Minamoto, Kouichi, Akashi, Kaoru
- Score: 7.16
- Rank: 3278
- Popularity: 6861