The story centers on three young anime voice actresses: Ichinose Futaba, Moesaki Ichigo and Kohana Rin, describing their everyday life in the Japanese anime voice acting industry.
- Other Title: Sore ga Seiyuu!: Petit Uchiage, それが声優! 特別編「プチ打ち上げ」, That is a Voice Actor!, Seiyu’s Life!, soresei, それが声優!
- Status: Completed
- Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
- Anime Type: Special
- Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life, Showbiz, Slice Of Life, Music, Ecchi, Animation, Anime
- Characters: Ichinose, Futaba, Kohana, Rin, Moesaki, Ichigo
- Score: 6.44
- Rank: 7030
- Popularity: 7910