* Based on a light novel series by Torako, with illustrations by Ousaka Nozomi.Due to various events, Yuuta and Rikka are living together. This secret
Category: Completed Anime
This story revolves around a spirited, carefree boy named Harukaze Kazuma, who lives with his little sister Sakura and his horse Lovely on a farm
15 years ago, a cargo ship called Daiichi Yashiro Maru crashed into a large iceberg in the northern Atlantic Ocean and sank. During the accident,
When Ryu returns to pay homage to his deceased mentor, Gouken, he is tormented by disturbing memories of his master`s killer. In a quest to
This was the 14-minute movie that was screened in theaters with Keroro Gunsou Movie 3. It became the prequel to the Mushakero in season 5
A madcap adventure which spans the globe from the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania to the land of the Pharaohs… A deadly mystery that races from
Two advanced civilizations, the Paranoids — a race of alien humanoids and the Solenoids — an all-female race, are still waging a war that has
Three short stories featuring China-san. Other Title: Spirit of Wonder: China-san Tanpenshuu, Scientific Boys Club, China-san: Specials, Shrinking of Miss China, Planet of Miss China,
Thirteen years after Yang Jian (known to some as Erlang Shen) imprisoned his sister beneath a mountain, the once powerful god now scrapes by as
* Based on a light novel series written by Kawakami Minoru and illustrated by Satoyasu.In the far future, humans abandon the devastated Earth and move