* Based on the manga by Miura Kentarou serialised in the seinen magazine Young Animal.Guts, an immensely strong sword-for-hire, has little direction in his life,
Tag: Guts
Guts, an immensely strong sword-for-hire, has little direction in his life, simply fighting one battle after the next. However, this all changes suddenly when he
* Based on the manga by Miura Kentarou serialised in the seinen magazine Young Animal.Guts, an immensely strong sword-for-hire, has little direction in his life,
The Band of the Hawk has dwindled in the year since Guts left them on his journey to forge his own destiny. Unaware of their
* Based on the manga by Miura Kentarou serialised in the seinen magazine Young Animal.Guts, an immensely strong sword-for-hire, has little direction in his life,