In 2015, fifteen years after a global cataclysm known as the Second Impact, Ikari Shinji is summoned to the city of Tokyo-3 by his estranged
Tag: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou
Makoto Ito rides the train to and from school every day. However, at the beginning of his second term, he falls in love with a
In 2015, fifteen years after a global cataclysm known as the Second Impact, Ikari Shinji is summoned to the city of Tokyo-3 by his estranged
Mima Kirigoe, a member of a pop-idol group called “CHAM!”, decides to quit singing to pursue a career as an actress. Some of her fans
Having escaped the many horrors of her village, Saya Kisaragi vows to hunt down the monster responsible and make him pay with his life. As