Other Title: Digimon Adventure tri. 5: Kyousei, Digimon tri. 5, デジモンアドベンチャーtri.(トライ)第5章「共生」, Digimon Adventure tri. Coexistence, Digimon Adventure tri. Film 5: Coexistence, Digimon Adventure tri Película
Tag: Kido, Jou
It`s been six years since that summer adventure when Taichi and the rest of the Chosen Children crossed over to the Digital World, and nearly
Time has passed since Alphamon appeared, and restoration work has moved ahead little by little in the town of Odaiba. “I had decided once I
The Chosen Children are distraught; believing they have lost one of their friends, the group struggles to find a way to defeat the rampaging Ordinemon.
Show All Episodes Other Title: Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 01, デジモンアドベンチャー, Digimon: Digital Monsters Status: Completed Sub/Dub: Anime Sub Anime Type: TV Genres: Action, Adventure,
Taichi and friends can’t hide how disturbing it was that something suddenly went wrong with Meicoomon, causing her to destroy Leomon and disappear beyond the
It`s been six years since that summer adventure when Taichi and the rest of the Chosen Children crossed over to the Digital World, and nearly