Two animation studios, Toyama City`s P.A.Works and the flash anime creation team The BERICH from Uozu City, have created short works based on the theme
Tag: Koitabi: True Tours Nanto
Serious and generous, but a bit shy, Yuudai has been unsuccessful with the opposite gender. Chizuru is an energetic and cheerful girl, but when it
The rigorous city life of China, while bustling and unforgiving, contains the everlasting memories of days past. Three stories told in three different cities, follow
The short tells three love stories set in Nanto. Other Title: Koitabi: True Tours Nanto, 恋旅~True Tours Nanto~, 恋旅~True Tours Nanto Status: Completed Sub/Dub: Anime
The rigorous city life of China, while bustling and unforgiving, contains the everlasting memories of days past. Three stories told in three different cities, follow
Youji and Chiaki — Youji decided on a job transfer, away from the mountains close to the beach. In his mind he already has steeled