Other Title: Osomatsu-san: Ouma de Kobanashi, おそ松さん おうまでこばなし, Mr. Osomatsu JRA Special 2016, Osomatsu-san: An Anecdote with Horses, 走れ! おう松さん Status: Completed Sub/Dub: Anime Sub
Tag: Matsuno, Choromatsu
A collaboration between Suntory’s All-Free a zero-alcohol/zero-calorie/zero-carb beverage tasting like beer and Osomatsu-san. Show All Episodes Other Title: All-Free kono Natsu Ichioshi Monogatari Campaign Kokuchi
* Based on the Osomatsu-kun gag manga series by Akatsuka Fujio.The series features the six naughty and mischievous sextuplet sons of the Matsuno household with
The sextuplets attend a high school class reunion. There, they see all their former classmates who have become "proper" adults with company jobs. The sextuplets
First of two new anime installments commemorating the anime’s sixth anniversary. Other Title: Osomatsu-san: Hipipo-Zoku to Kagayaku Kajitsu, Mr. Osomatsu: The Hipipo Tribe and the