The story follows Benio, who lost her mother when she was very young and has been raised by her father, a high-ranking officer in the
Tag: Otome Youkai Zakuro
The island of Hourai, controlled by four demon gods. A girl who knows Inuyasha appears: “Ai.” Unchanged for fifty years, what is this girl’s secret?
The story follows Benio “Haikara-san” Hanamura, who lost her mother when she was very young and has been raised by her father, a high-ranking official
Hiiro no Kakera is a Japanese visual novel created by Idea Factory directed at the female market known as an otome game. The protagonist is
The story follows Benio “Haikara-san” Hanamura, who lost her mother when she was very young and has been raised by her father, a high-ranking official