The story centers on Mizutani Masayuki, an ordinary high school boy. His classmate Shimizu Sayaka lives in his home as a zealously intrusive maid, leading to uncomfortably erotic
Tag: Rescue Me!
Choosing which high school club to join can be a daunting task. After all, there are only so many hours in the day, not to
Show All Episodes Other Title: Asa made Jugyou Chu!, 朝まで授業chu!, See Me After Class Status: Completed Sub/Dub: Anime Sub Anime Type: OVA Genres: Comedy, Ecchi,
Show All Episodes Other Title: Hantsu x Trash, Hantsu x Torasshu, Hunts x Trash, ハンツー×トラッシュ, Sexy and Stupid Water Polo Comedy!! Status: Completed Sub/Dub: Anime
* Based on an adult comedy fantasy manga by writer Amahara and artist masha.Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder! From elves to