Last Episode: Wakako-zake EP 10 (Sub) EN First Episode: Wakako-zake EP 1 Free Download Murasaki Wakako, who is 26 years old, loves going out alone
Tag: Toradora!: SOS! Kuishinbou Banbanzai
Last Episode: Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu (Dub) EP 11 High Quality First Episode: Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu (Dub) EP 1 Redraw Show All Episodes Other
Last Episode: Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu EP 13 (Sub) Redraw First Episode: Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu EP 1 Update A parody series featuring the entire
Last Episode: Potemayo EP 12 (Sub) Full Raw First Episode: Potemayo EP 1 EN * Based on Ogataya Haruka`s 4-koma manga series by the same
* Based on Kakifly`s seinen yonkoma manga series K-ON!, serialised in Manga Time Kirara magazine since 2007.This is the first year of high school for
The movie is more or less a retelling of the first few episodes of the series that is not much more than a slightly padded
Other Title: Toradora!: SOS! Kuishinbou Banbanzai, Toradora! SOS! Hooray for Foodies, とらドラ! SOS! 食いしん坊万々歳, Toradora!: SOS! Hurray for Gourmands, とらドラ! Status: Completed Sub/Dub: Anime Dub
* Based on the light novel series by Konno Oyuki.Life goes on for the ladies in the Yamayurikai. On the one-year anniversary of Sachiko and
Toradora DVD shorts featuring the miniature forms of the Toradora characters talking about, and eating, food. Other Title: Toradora!: SOS! Kuishinbou Banbanzai, Toradora! SOS! Hooray
Despite Ryuji Takasu’s gentle personality, his eyes make him look like an intimidating delinquent so he is utterly hopeless about his chances of getting a