January 16, 1995. Tsuyoshi Takahashi, a young student at Shiokaze elementary, is driven solely to get excellent grades. Because of this he often ignores those
Tag: Ushiro no Shoumen Daare
* Based on the novel by the Welsh-born cult author C. W. Nicol.Amon is a boy who can control the wind. Branich, the ruler of
The original story follows the human drama of the Yamazaki family in Tokyo in the Year Shouwa 39 (1964) — the year that the city
An indentured Chinese laborer, brought to Japan to work in a coal mine during WWII, manages to escape his captors. He hides out in the
Newly-wed Urano Suzu moves to her new life in Kure City on the coast of Hiroshima Prefecture, where she perseveres through World War II with
It’s 1982, and Taeko is 27 years old, unmarried, and has lived her whole life in Tokyo. She decides to visit her family in the